Top 37 Most Popular The Flintstones Characters


The Flintstones is a classic cartoon that aired for six successful seasons after having commenced on a promising note in 1960.


The superbly entertaining animated sitcom followed the lives of Fred and Wilma Flintstone and their neighbors, Barney and Betty Rubble, among others.


It tracked their numerous day-to-day adventures in an ambitious and refreshing Stone Age setting. Needless to mention, the show introduced many kids and young adults to a period of civilization where technology and other such conveniences were not available.


Since the balance of visual and verbal storytelling helped it amass an enormous fan base during the peak of its popularity, several other shows over time tried to emulate its technicalities.


That said, its continuing popularity also rested heavily on modern everyday concerns being shown in a unique Stone Age setting.


In addition, the voices, human aspects of the characters, and the writing played a massive role in giving elements of the modern world a prehistoric take. Indeed, it wasn’t something most viewers had seen before on television.


It is not surprising then that it was the longest-running and one of the most financially successful animated shows to have ever been produced for American television. At the time, its fan following among adults and children alike was rivalled only after The Simpsons hit the small screens the world over.


So, if you’re looking forward to getting familiar with the most amusing characters on The Flintstones, then, we must say, that you’ve come to the right place.




1. Fred Flintstone


fred flintstone


Fred is both the funniest and the most popular character in The Flintstones. Husband to Wilma and father to Pebbles Flintstone, he seems to have a knack for getting himself into trouble; even when he wishes to do the right things.


One of the main characters in the animated sitcom, he lives with his family in a hideous cave in the town of Bedrock. Like most of us in the real world today, he also shares a desire to be on the TV by hook or by crook.


Needless to say, he pursues fame and fortune with everything he’s got. Unfortunately for the man, his temper and accident-prone ways usually end up getting the better of him.


Be that as it may, those who truly know Fred are aware of the fact that he is a good person at heart. However, one can’t deny that he is a loud-mouthed and temperamental individual who is constantly trying to improve his working-class ways.


While the results do not always go his way, one does end up rooting for him courtesy of his well-intentioned heart.




2. Barney Rubble


barney rubble


A friend in need is a friend indeed, and nobody knows this better than the brave and extroverted Barney Rubble. Aside from being Fred Flintstone’s best mate, this blonde-haired caveman is also the husband of Betty Rubble and the adoptive father of Bamm-Bamm Rubble.


While Barney’s corny humor managed to make him one of the most favorite characters of the show, his loyalty towards his best friend truly made him stand apart from the rest.


The good-natured man may always come across as energetic and confident, but he often ends up getting himself dragged into most of Fred’s lopsided schemes.


Even though he tries to support his closest pal both willfully and out of compulsion, he doesn’t usually let go of an opportunity to give him a taste of his own medicine every now and then; especially when he is shown to have screwed-up badly!


Also, Barney Rubble can often be seen laughing at his jokes, which makes him come across as endearing and goofy in equal measure. Oh, and let’s not forget to mention that he is very caring and devoted to his wife Betty.


Needless to say, the benevolent man also happens to be incredibly loyal as he has never cheated on his wife and always looked after his family.




3. Wilma Flintstone


wilma flintstone


The red-haired Wilma Flintstone is the wife of the clumsy caveman Fred Flintstone, daughter of Pearl Slaghoople, and mother of Pebbles Flintstone.


As you can see, she has a ton of responsibilities on her dependable shoulders and she does remarkable justice to each one of them.


While she certainly is entertaining in her own right, she can also get a tad autocratic when she feels she truly needs to.


Not only does she keep Fred grounded but she also ensures that none of his shenanigans go on for a duration longer than necessary.


The viewers may chance upon several sequences where Fred believes that he is in charge of things; however, it is Wilma from behind the scenes who happens to be keeping everything well under her control.


Now, she might be the one pulling the strings more often than not but there is no denying the fact that Wilma loves her husband unconditionally.


Her love for her family was also shown when she started working as a reporter for one of Bedrock’s newspapers soon after the birth of her only child.


After Pebbles grew up and left home, Wilma started a rather successful catering business with her best mate and neighbor Betty.




4. Pebbles Flintstone


Pebbles Flintstone


The beloved Pebbles Flintstone has been truly admired by many in her baby form on The Flintstones. The red-haired daughter of Fred and Wilma Flintstone is born towards the culmination of the third season.


She is usually seen spending most of her time with her childhood best pal Bamm-Bamm Rubble. While Pebbles is shown to be an impressive baseball player as a preteen, she is also seen sharing her father’s penchant for misadventures; a pattern that ends up getting her and her close friends into trouble.


Having said that, she starts going out with Bamm-Bamm Rubble as a teenager and, ultimately, ends up tying the knot with him.



5. Bamm-Bamm Rubble


Bamm-Bamm Rubble


Since the Rubble kid is often seen exclaiming “Bamm-Bamm!”, it was only about time before he started being recognized as Bamm-Bamm himself.


Even though he has been blessed with a tremendous amount of strength, his biggest possible strong point is his undeniable humor.


Soon into the show, we see his parents making peace with the fact that their son has a club.


And, while he could have ended up causing some serious damage with it to those around him, it rather ends up being one of his strengths.


Bamm-Bamm Rubble is one of the only characters on the show who comes across as both impressive and hysterical even when he is trying to be naughty.



6. Betty Rubble


Betty Rubble


The beautiful Betty Rubble is the black-haired wife of caveman Barney Rubble and the adoptive mother of Bamm-Bamm Rubble.


While her husband Barney is best friends with Fred, Betty shares a good rapport with Fred’s wife Wilma.


She and Wilma are shown spending a lot of time in each other’s company. Also, they are compelled to team up to get their husbands out of trouble whenever one of Fred’s schemes ends up being a colossal disaster.


Betty Rubble is also a very emotional person. She has been found weeping when her husband ceases to behave properly or when things go awfully wrong around her.


Well, emotional or not, she is considerably smarter than her husband for sure.



7. Pearl Slaghoople


Pearl Slaghoople


It won’t be an exaggeration to assert that some of the show’s best episodes revolved around the antics of Wilma’s beloved mother, Pearl Slaghoople.


While Fred is either seen trying to impress her or get rid of her, Pearl, more often than not, is firm in her opinion.


Not only is she seen ridiculing her son-in-law but she also barely speaks highly of him even when he is not around.


What is undeniably funny about her is that even if the viewers do not have a mother-in-law like her, they are, in fact, aware of people in their proximity who do.


This not only makes them connect with Pearl’s humor but it also makes them realize what Fred must be going through when she takes ceaseless jibes at him.



8. Dino




How often have we stumbled upon a metaphorical dinosaur who displays the qualities of a domesticated dog? Well, not many, we reckon!


Dino is the pet “dogasaurus” of the family of The Flintstones, who is perhaps best known for having exhibited the characteristics of a loyal canine throughout the series.


While his sketch does come across as repetitive, one cannot forget just how sweet he is or how happily he jumps at Fred to welcome him home; a gag that almost always works for the viewers.


The writers have to be given due credit for not only ensuring that Dino is as endearing as they come but also for being able to convey that he is very much a part of the family; something that animal lovers like me are able to relate to beautifully.



9. Mr. Slate


Mr. Slate


Mr. Slate may not be the most memorable of all characters on The Flintstones but he certainly has a purpose to serve.


A business tycoon who lives on Seaside Island, he is the well-off owner of the global Meh Burger corporation and other enterprises in Hedgehog Village.


Under his ownership is also a dig site for Ancient ruins outside the Village. Featuring in some of the finest episodes of the series, Mr. Slate is yet another individual who can frustrate Fred.


Now, this is both relatable and funny to the viewers; many of whom have to deal with their own issues with their respective obnoxious bosses in the real world.



10. The Great Gazoo


The Great Gazoo


Arguably the most refreshing character on the show, The Great Gazoo’s presence paved the way for several lesson-learning experiences for both Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble.


The Great Gazoo was basically a tiny, meandering, green alien who had been banished from his planet Zetox by Gazaam the Mighty.


The punishment to move to planet Earth was given to him as he had attempted to invent the doomsday machine; a weapon that carried unbelievable powers of destruction.


Whatever may be the reason for his arrival on earth, the friendship that he went on to share with his two “Dumb-dumbs” was too sweet to ever be forgotten by the fans of the show.



11. Arnold




It seems like there never was a dearth of characters that could manage to irk Fred every chance they got.


Arnold, the local paperboy, was liked by everyone in town. However, he somehow messed up his connection with Fred Flintstone.


No matter how hard he tried, Arnold often ended up tossing the newspaper at Fred’s head. And, since the paper was made of stone, it hurt real bad.


In addition, there were times when the paper used to crack after having hit Fred, which made it impossible for him to read it.


Besides the aforementioned reason, Fred was also not too fond of Arnold because he was seen teasing him by declaring that he would marry Pebbles one day.


What added to his irritating personality was the fact that he was also voiced in a manner that would make him across as the most annoying character on the program.



12. The Array of Animals


The Array of Animals


Don’t be fooled by the innocent-looking animals in this much-admired series. If you have a bird that can act like a toothbrush, you also have an elephant with the ability to use his trunk to provide a shower.


Along with some other animals, they do their best to entertain us in whatever way they can. Having said that, the animals also have a comment or two to make when they see someone complaining about having to do chores.


While it is not entirely surprising to see a lot of the work being done by these animals, it is also not a complete shocker to witness their snippy remarks.


Sometimes, they are even capable of taking a jibe at the audience; something that makes each of the animals and their antics come across as even more delightful.



13. Joe Rockhead


Joe Rockhead


Joe Rockhead was not a central character in the show but he certainly happened to be a mutual friend of Barney Rubble and Fred Flintstone.


A recurring and background character of The Flintstones, he was a volunteer firefighter whose appearance seemed to have varied throughout the series.


That said, Rockhead could often be seen in the picture when Fred and Barney had a falling out of sorts.


Following the fallout, Fred was sometimes seen spending time with him. Maybe he just wanted his good old pal Barney to be jealous of Joe? Who knows!



14. Cavey Jr.


Cavey Jr.


Cavey Jr. may not be among the most popular characters of The Flintstones but he certainly has been seen enough to make it to our piece.


Aside from being the son of the superhero Captain Caveman, Cavey Jr. was also his sidekick. Even though he was not counted as a significant character in the series, he certainly had a meaty role to play in Captain Caveman and Son segments featured in The Flintstone Kids; a program that was a spin-off of the original series.


Cavey Jr. had a likable personality. Not only was he a doting son but he also proved to be a bit more observant and smarter than his beloved dad while out on missions.


It is not surprising then that he never left a chance to come to his father’s aid.



15. Captain Caveman


Captain Caveman


Captain Caveman was touted to be the world’s first superhero. He was one of the primary characters of The Flintstone Comedy Show, The Flintstone Kids, and Yabba-Dabba Dinosaurs, respectively.


These programs served as a spin-off each to the original series, The Flintstones. The Captain was shown to have masked himself during the early days of The Flintstone Comedy Show.


He was initially seen working as an office boy called Chester. However, since his true identity needed him to be the hero that arose thousands of years ago, he certainly had many gadgets in his possession to help him out during his many challenging missions.


Needless to say, Captain Caveman had a strong sense of justice and wanted nothing more than for the good to prevail.



16. Weirdly Gruesome


Weirdly Gruesome


This recurring character on The Flintstones was the patriarch of The Gruesome Family. Also, he was the weird and creepy neighbor of Fred Flintstone during the fifth season of the original series.


Weirdly and his family were the first attempt on behalf of the makers at giving the Flintstones’ an alarming neighboring family; something that was again undertaken with the inclusion of The Frankenstones later on in the series.


Even though this green-skinned humanoid being did resemble a goblin, he was not really creepy despite coming across as such at first.


In fact, he was actually quite easy-going and friendly. Let’s just say that we should really not judge a book by its cover.



17. Ed “Pops” Flintstone


Ed "Pops" Flintstone


Fred’s father, Pops Flintstone, was first seen making his debut as a recurring character in the long-running Flintstones comic strips by Gene Hazelton.


He was shown to be living with Freddy and his family in the same. However, a different manifestation of the same character was later seen appearing in The Flintstone Kids, which was a spin-off of the original series.


Even though Pops had been projected to be an energetic old man, he was definitely not aware of the evolving stone age technology.


Also, he had been a casanova of sorts who loved to tell stories about his younger days to his family.



18. Samantha Stephens


Samantha Stephens


Samantha and Darrin Stephens are seen making a guest appearance in the show. However, when the latter decides to go boating, Samantha gets a fair amount of time to spend with the Flintstones and the Rubbles.


As she joins the two families for a camping trip, Samantha is seen trying to convince both Wilma and Betty that women are no less than men and that they can do everything that men are capable of accomplishing.


During the trip, she is seen captivating the two women by utilizing her magical tricks to catch fish. Needless to say, it leaves both Barney and Fred stunned.


Moreover, one can also find Samantha being able to successfully thwart every attempt of the two male friends to jeopardize her camping trip with their wives.



19. Eithne “Edna” Flintstone


Eithne "Edna" Flintstone


While we have already introduced Wilma Flintstone’s mother to you, it’s time for us to now introduce you to Fred’s mother Edna Flintstone.


She was seen performing her motherly duties in The Flintstone Kids animated television series; a program in which she was shown raising beloved Freddy along with her husband, Ed.


This was, of course, before Freddy grew up and tied the knot with Wilma and, consequently, went on to become Barney and Betty Rubble’s neighbor.


Edna, who wore a red loincloth dress to the knee, was not as shapely as the other women portrayed in the show.


In fact, she had a heavily built personality which reflected on Fred as he came of age.



20. Hoppy




Since we have already mentioned the pet of the Flintstones, it’s only fair that we made room for Hoppy on our story.


Hoppy debuted in the fifth season of the episode “Hop Happy” and was seen being brought home by Barney and Betty Rubble to be their new house pet.


Needless to say, he started to babysit Bamm-Bamm and was even seen carrying him in his pouch. When you initially look at Hoppy, you’d think that he comes across as a mix of a kangaroo and a dinosaur.


That said, he wasn’t really able to make an impact like Dino did in the show. Instead, he often felt like his mere shadow at times.



21. Creepella Gruesome


Creepella Gruesome


Creepella Gruesome, besides being the matriarch of The Gruesomes Family, was also Wilma Flintstone’s frightening neighbor in the fifth season.


She was mostly seen in a black loin-cloth dress and was a tall and thin humanoid who was also green-skinned.


She had red lips, an unusually long nose, and long red hair that also did the job of covering her eyes.


Just as her name suggests, Creepella must have been included on the show to perhaps creep a lot of her viewers out. Whether or not she was able to do so is on the viewers to decide.



22. Frank Frankenstone


Frank Frankenstone


Frank Frankenstone was a recurring character in The Flintstones franchise.


A patriarch of The Frankenstone Family, he was Fred Flintstone’s immediate rival and monstrous neighbor, who could infuse fear in the mind of every single individual that happened to cross him.


This particular character and his family members were developed as part of a series of Flintstone Halloween events and specials.


Needless to mention, having a scary family living in close proximity to the Flintstones did make the show more happening.



23. Hidea Frankenstone


Hidea Frankenstone


This recurring character of the Flintstones franchise was the true-blue matriarch of the Frankenstones Family. Even though her husband, Frank, came across as spooky to most, Hidea was not on bad terms with her friendly neighbor Wilma.


The tall and slender woman with pale green skin was seen making her official debut in 1979 in the episode, titled “Fred and Barney Meet the Frankenstones”, from The New Fred and Barney Show.


In the aforementioned episode, her family is not only shown moving to Bedrock but they are also revealed to be maintaining a condominium that was home to a large number of monsters.



24. Darrin Stephens


Darrin Stephens


Darrin Stephens may have been a one-time, crossover character in the episode “Samantha” from The Flintstones, but he certainly has to be a part of our compilation.


While his wife, Samantha Stephens, had an extended role in the aforementioned episode, Darrin was not really seen for a long time.


This is because his character was supposedly seen going on a boating expedition. Be that as it may, he was a tall and thin caveman who had fair skin, black eyebrows, brown hair, and pitch black eyes.


Thr man was seen in a captain’s attire in whatever screen time he was allotted in the episode.



25. Atrocia Frankenstone


Atrocia Frankenstone


Like the other members of her family, Atrocia was also seen making her debut appearance in the episode “Fred and Barney Meet the Frankenstones”, from The New Fred and Barney Show.


While she starred with her family in the primetime special The Flintstones’ New Neighbors, they were also later seen having their own animated segment in The Flintstone Comedy Show.


This program was rightfully dedicated to Atrocia and her family. Much like her mother, the Frankenstone girl was also slender.


She had back eyes and fair skin and was mostly seen wearing a black loin-cloth dress.



26. Freaky Frankenstone


Freaky Frankenstone


Freaky Frankenstone was the son of Frank of the Frankenstones Family. He was also a recurring character who debuted with his family in the same episode.


Not a lot of you remember that he happened to be Pebbles Flintstone’s friendly love interest when he was a teenager; although not for a long time.


Freaky, who dressed up in a green loin-cloth, was a short humanoid who had beige skin, much like his father.


He also had red and black hair. However, he was also shown to have matured in The Flintstone Comedy Show.



27. Gobby “Goblin” Gruesome


Gobby "Goblin" Gruesome


Yet another recurring character in the show was Gobby “Goblin” Gruesome. Since we have mentioned his parents on our list already, it wouldn’t be fair to leave this little guy out.


The son of The Gruesomes Family, who was seen working as a babysitter, was a humanoid with blue skin and purple hair that went on to cover his eyes dutifully.


He was usually seen donning a red loin cloth. Needless to mention, he looked pretty much like his father.



28. Grandma Cavemom


Grandma Cavemom


Even our heroes are nurtured by even stronger superheroes on the planet, who happen to be our darling mothers.


So, Grandma Cavemom was Captain Caveman’s mother and Cavey Jr.’s grandmother. She was one of the recurring characters in the Captain Caveman segments in the spin-off program The Flintstone Kids.


We could see that Grandma Cavemom was an oval-shaped cavewoman who was usually seen wearing a pink and black-spotted loin-cloth apron.


She could also be seen owning white earrings that were made of stone and a pair of reading glasses.



29. Uncle Tex Hardrock


Uncle Tex Hardrock


Uncle Tex Hardrock was Fred’s maternal uncle and a member of the Texarock Rangers. Like most characters on our list, he was also seen making an appearance both in the original series and The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show.


The short and slender caveman could be recognized by his fair skin and bald head, which had two tufts of white hair.


In addition, he had his trademark white mustache, big ears, and a big nose that separated him from the others.



30. Sam Slagheap


Sam Slagheap


Sam Slagheap, also known as The Exalted Grand Poobah, was the Grand Poobah of the Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes.


Another recurring character in the franchise, he could be seen standing behind a podium with the aim to notify fellow members of the purpose of the meetings at the Water Buffalo Lodge.


Slagheap was a short and fragile caveman who had fair skin, black eyes, thick black eyebrows, and a bald head that had two brown hair tufts.



31. Baby Puss


Baby Puss


Baby Puss was Fred and Wilma Flintstone’s pet saber-toothed cat. He was rarely seen making an appearance in the original series.


However, if you were able to catch a glimpse of the cat, you’d notice his yellow-orange fur, black spots, a black nose, a long tail, and a tan muzzle on his face and ears.


While his appearances are rare, one could find Fred trying his best to put Baby Puss out at night in the ending credit sequences.


Like most of his schemes, this attempt of Fred also frequently failed.



32. The Hatrock Family


The Hatrock Family


We are putting all the members of the Hatrock clan in one bracket because most of them are seen only once or twice throughout the course of The Flintstones.


The Hatrock family was basically one of the many families who were native to Bedrock and, therefore, were seen making an appearance in a couple of episodes.


The immediate Hatrock family was supposed to be living in Arkenstone. We were introduced to its patriarch, Jethro Hatrock, his wife Gravella Hatrock, their sons, Zack and Slab Hatrock, and their pet dogasaurus named Percy over time.



33. Roxanne Elizabeth “Roxy” Rubble-Flintstone


Roxanne Elizabeth "Roxy" Rubble-Flintstone


Roxy was the adorable and pretty fraternal twin sister to Chip Rubble and the precious little daughter of Bamm-Bamm Rubble and Pebbles Flintstone.


Roxy and her twin brother, Chip, had both taken birth at the end of Hollyrock-a-Bye Baby. Even though she resembled her mother in the most striking manner, she seemed to have inherited a lot of her father’s habits and traits.


This included his white hair and stupendous strength. The little girl was usually seen wearing a pink shirt.



34. Charleston Frederick “Chip” Rubble-Flintstone


Charleston Frederick "Chip" Rubble-Flintstone


The fraternal twin brother to Roxy Rubble, Chip was the son of Bamm-Bamm Rubble and Pebbles Flintstone. He was a two-time character who was seen in the programs Hollyrock-a-Bye Baby and A Flintstone Family Christmas.


While Chip certainly did resemble his father from when he was a kid, a lot of his traits also were similar to that of the Flintstones.


That being said, he was named by his father Bamm-Bamm.



35. Dodo Birds


Dodo Birds


Dodo Birds were a species of flightless birds that existed during the Stone Age in the franchise.


Eventually, they turned out to be an important part of the diet of the cavemen. Needless to say, they were harvested for both their meat and eggs and had evidently become a target for avid wild game hunters as well.


Dodo birds came in two sizes; they were either too large for a bird or were often half the size of a caveman.


While the small ones had better energy and were usually smarter, the large ones seemed to tire out a bit too easily.



36. Stoney Flintstone


Stoney Flintstone


Stoney Flintstone was the newest member of the Flintstone family. He was the adopted son of Fred and Wilma Flintstone.


A one-time character of the 1993 Christmas special, A Flintstone Family Christmas, he was a short and thin caveboy with fair skin, blonde hair, black eyebrows, and blue eyes.


Stoney was mostly seen wearing a dark blue loincloth and a red and black spotted hat backward. He seemed to be having a heck lot of fun in the Christmas special that he participated in.



37. The Way-Outs


The Way-Outs


The Way-Outs were a group of enthusiastic musicians who used to perform in Bedrock.


However, they were only one-time characters in the episode “The Masquerade Party”, which was a part of the sixth season of the popular series.


The group included members who were short and diminutive cavemen, each with fair skin, a large nose, and red-orange hair that used to cover their eyes.


They were known for wonderfully synchronizing their dancing and singing skills.



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